Tuesday, August 30, 2005

The rain had come
like hoards of angry bees
Stinging the hot earth
With vehemence
Like pestilence
the pitter patter pounded heavily
Hoping to drown the world and bury the poisonous
Sediments which brought the human race into treachery


Friday, August 26, 2005

NEWSFLASH: Exxonmobil Campus Concert Series

Featuring: Key Elements
Date: 7 Sept 2005 (Wed)
Time: 7-8pm
Venue: University Cultural Centre, NUS
Admission: FREE

Dear friends,

Key Elements will be putting another performance yet again, in promotion of our year-end full-length concert. This is chance for you catch us in action and hear some of your familiar blockbuster favourites done up in new, snazzy jazzy and electrifying arrangements. So make a date with us and be enthralled by the voices of Key Elements. It's a great way to spend the evening and get recharged for the rest of the week. See you there!

Best regards,
For Key Elements

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


Featuring Key Elements

A great way to spend your weekend would be to come and share the magic and excitement of a cappella music with the new a cappella sensation in town - KEY ELEMENTS! You can expect pop, jazz, R&B and even Mandarin pop favourites in a myriad of refreshing and riveting arrangements.

Where: West Coast Park
When: 20 Aug (Sat)
What time: 5-6pm
Admission: FREE

Make a date with us then =) Cya there!

Friday, August 12, 2005

this song just popped into my head -

What the werrrl nids now is la, swit la!
It's ti only ting, tat tere's juss too lider of.
What the werrrl nids now is la, swit la!
No, not juss for sum, o but jus for everyone.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Upbeat concert was good fun. I am glad I went, saw good stuffs, learn some cool choreography routines and nice blocking And heard some good ol' acappella arrangements.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Am supposed to be happy, since i've just got back from a trip to KL where we had good food, good company, good laughs, good shopping, good rirakusushite (relax).
But the haze in KL seem to have gotten into my spirits plus I am a little feverish towards the end of the trip and that brought things down a little. The thought of work tomorrow certainly did not help lift my spirits. I am so not looking forward to it. Things have been going downhill recently, unhappiness, tension, resentment, disappointment, lethargy, demotivation have been poisoning the air lately. Wonder if it's a failure of my part or a sign to move on? Questions and decisions... really bothers me. I felt i need to go away for a while, and i did. Now i feel i should go away and never return. I do not know how to do it anymore. I need an exit.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

The depression sets in again.
Maybe it's because of the weather,
or just the time of the year,
or just karma.
Time to rationalise the depression,
I'll try.
Will tell you if it works out.
Education is the certification of the self
Or is it?

Whatever is the matter, the education system sucks BIG TIME.

-to be continued